
She got me_

by - quarta-feira, setembro 02, 2020

And thats my lil Lelutka + Legacy Perky girl, I'm in love with her! And she is still enjoying the summer!


Body: Legacy Perky
Head: Lelutka NOVA
Skin: Liu Skin Pale for Lelutka Evolution & BOM by Velour
*Body Applier by ItGirls Fit Pale (Legacy Bom) 
Shape ' Ayumi' by [Thedra Couture]

.❂.Makeup /Beauty 

Eyes: For Her eyes (lelutka) by Velour
Eyelashes: Pressure Babiana Collection by Revoul
Eyeshadows: Liu Beauty pack by Velour
Lipstick ' Liu Beauty Pack n#1by Velour
Hair: Truth (Solstice) 

.❂. Clothes

Outfit '. Shyha' (Top + short + sandals ) by Scandalize at @Fameshed


Necklace by Avaway at @Fameshed
Nails 'Yummy' by Alme
Fries 'Fries Pack by Cinnamon Cocaine

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