Verde & Amarelo : Lamb + FurtaCor + !Musa! + tapi:: + Shabby Tabby at Roulett3 Event!

by - quinta-feira, junho 16, 2016


Corpo/Body : Maitreya
Hair : Lamb 'Only Shallow' - Arcade Event
Eyeshadows 'Agnes' - !Musa!-  (Omega system and standard pack)

Bodysuit ' Sandy Summer'  - FurtaCor - Click Here!
 (Slink Physque, Maitreya, Classic, and FitMesh + Hud to 7 colors)


Collar ' Kitty Collar - tapi:: at Roulett3 Event June (untill 23)
(hud colors + open collar option)

~decoration & furniture ~

CounterPoint 'Bench,Arbor, Table, Plant, Cacti - Shabby Tabby at Roulett3 Event June (until 23rd)


Glitterati and The Bench from Shabby Tabby

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