Horse in Yellow : Furtacor + !IT! + Focus + unKindness WLTB +(69)

by - quarta-feira, junho 01, 2016

Still thinking about that horse name... just come in my garden...


Corpo/Body: Maitreya
Hair: Truth at ~Uber~


Dress 'Joy' - Furtacor at Color Me Project untill 3rd June! Dont Miss It!
(Fitted mesh + standar Sizes + Hud with 6 textures each color)

Flipflops: (69)


Headband 'Carmela' - !IT! at Gotch Gatcha Event 1st Round - New!

~ Decoration & Background~

Wall with stairs (only 4 prims) - unKindness - (amazing realistics textures)

Door Wall :Domineaux Effect


Focus Poses (Horse Girl)

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