!Musa![BDKX][PU]EMPIREFitted MeshGiftsgroup giftHairologyHucciMaitreyaOmega Applierspr!ttyRoulett3Slink
And After Shopping Time...: Many Gifts! Pr!tty at Hairology + Hucci + !Musa! + Empire + [BDKX] + [PU] at Roulett3!
Wow, Today is a heaven of great Gifts on Sl, Dont Miss it!
Corpo/Body: Maitreya
Hair 'Jeanie' - Pr!tty at Hairology Anniversary (Fatpack, only click on the cake) - GIFT!
Dress 'Vlasin' - Hucci - Group Gift
Shoes 'Gerbera' - EMPIRE - Luck Boards (limited time, so Run!!)
Tatoo 'Luz del Fuego' - [PU] at Roulett3 Event June Untill 23/06.
(Omega & Maitreya appliers, full body and only bottom or top)
Eyeshadows ' Agnes' - !Musa! - Omega Appliers
~Decoration & Furniture~
Office Party - Shelves, Cabinet 1 & 2 - [BDKX] at Roulett3 Event June Untill 23/06.
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