Hot lingerie... latex, wine... what could go wrong?
Legacy Perky / Legacy Body
Head: Genus Classic w001
Hair: Monso - Doux
Eyeliner (on both) 'Essencial Pack' by Velour
Leo Tattoo by ONE 2K
Kisses & Bites ( on both ) 'Hot set' by ONE 2K
Girl in Yellow - Bodysuit 'Selena' by Vobe Mainstore
Gloves 'Embla' by Amias at @Cosmopolitan
Garters from 'Devi Set' by Vobe
All the poses are part of the Bar set 'Bar Marvin' by WRONG
Benchs & Table ' Bar Marvin ' by WRONG
Skybox & Drinks : Dolphin
Rugs: Fanatik
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