Feeling like a Kardashian... #JKTrends

by - terça-feira, março 29, 2016

Carolina Castilho, para os noveleiros, ou quem sabe Kim Kardashian...? Esses longos, super apertados deixam qualquer silhueta maravilhosa, ainda mais se falamos do SL!! lol. Este longo de hoje é da JKTrends, com mangas longas, o que deixa super formal, exuberante!
Carolina Castilho, for the novels lovers, or maybe Kim Kardashian ...? These long, super tight make any wonderful silhouette, even more if we talk about the SL !! lol. This long today is the JKTrends, with long sleeves, which makes formal super gorgeous!

Body: TMP
Head:Genesis Lab
Cabelo - Truth

Dress 'Dionce' - JKTrends - New (Applier to TMP, Omega system)
Shoes: - N-Core - Old group Gift

Handbag:'Clutch Queen - ^^Swallow^^ - 1L in MP
Belt - EarthStones

Poses : Musa Gown - Musa Poses

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