.EscalateD..kosmeticFDEP Fitmesh Designers Expose PlushairIshara ShopMaitreya Belleza SlinkMesh BodiesPatchwork Poses
Lioness : EscalateD + .kosmetik + Ishara Shop & Patchwork Poses at FDEP
- Reviews in English and Portuguese, for more languages please use the translator on side bar, thanks ;) ⇒
Esta noite chegou com um toque gótico neste vestido da Ishara Shop, não vou mentir que me senti a própria Amy! Neste cabelo cheio, uma trança grossa e alta, estou toda poderosa no look da .EscalateD. Unhas em gliter prata da .kosmetik, ainda do mesmo pack que postei antes, são super versáteis. Pose também no evento da FDEP, Patchwork Poses. Lembrando que o evento contempla todos os corpos com fitmesh e demais acessórios, mais info FDEP.
The night brings me a Gothic touch in this dress from the Ishara Shop, I will not lie that I felt like Amy herself! In this full hair, a thick braid and high, I am all powerful in the look of .EscalateD. & .kosmetik silver glitter nails, still from the same pack I posted before, are super versatile. Pose also at the FDEP event, Patchwork Poses. Remembering that the event includes all bodies with fitmesh and other accessories, more info FDEP.
Maitreya Lara 4.1
Catwa Bento Head
Eyes ' Charm Eyes' (blue pack) - .kosmetik
(omega, catwa & mesh eyes)
Hair 'Annica' (Monochrom pack) - EscalateD at Pre-Cast Inc , from 1st to 15 march.
Hairbase: Just Magnetized
Dress: Ishara Shop at FDEP
(Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, Ebody, Fitmesh +Hud to customize)
Boots : Ishara Shop at FDEP
(Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, Ebody, Fitmesh)
Peace pose by Patchwork Poses at FDEP
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