*SOHOe SHOeS*~Le Fashion Whore~AmbrosiaBouBouKiFoxcityGIFTIzzie'sMaitreya Belleza SlinkmakeupMesh BodiesTaketomiThedra Diesel
Daddy is no here... : BouBouKi + SOHOe SHOes + LFW + Izzie's GIFT + Taketomi + Ambrosia
Oi meninas, então neste slook de hoje, tenho que tirar o chapéu para os gifts da Izzie's, sempre lindos! Sabe aquele detalhe que joga pra cima? Sem falar no conjuntinho super cute da LFW, temos visto muitos desse estilo, mas vem o nome da marca no cós(pessoalmente detesto, não sou outdooor), já nesse é possível escolhermos títulos muito legais, os sapatos são fofos, para o pé Mid, o que já nos tira do de sempre 'high high high'. E o toque final além do cabelo que nem vou comentar muito (amei hubby!) o leg harness da o toque gatinha 'sexy & poderosa'.
Hi girls, so in this slook today, I have to take the hat off for Izzie's gifts, always beautiful! You know that detail that throws you up? Not to mention the LFW's super cute set, we've seen a lot of this style, but there's the brand name on the waistband (personally I hate it, I'm not outdooor), otherwise in LFW we can choose cool titles; the shoes are cute,with 'mid' feet , which already takes us from the usual 'high high high'. And the final touch beyond the hair that I will not comment too much (I loved hubby!) The leg harness of the touch 'rawwrr' 'sexy powerful' kitten.
Maitreya Lara 4.1
Head: Catwa Lona
Hair: Taketomi
Eyeshadow/ Lipgloss/ Cheeks Hearts - Izzie's Valentine's Day GIFT
Eyes: Izzie's Epiphany
Nails: Ambrosia
Top & Panties 'Breanna Bra & Knickers' by LFW at XXX event (15th till 6th March)
(Maitreya, Slink & Belleza + Textures and slogans customization)
Leg Harness by BouBouki
(Belleza, Slink & Maitreya)
Shoes: Macie Mid Platforms by SOHOe SHOes at Twe12ve February event
(Maitreya, Slink & Belleza)
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