*.:Shake:.*FashionNaticgizzagroup giftMaitreyaMesh Body AddictsMesh HeadMistiquemoremoreNord Embel'Lys JewelrySlinkWLTB
Nostalgia : Gizza + FashionNatic + moremore + *.:Shake:.* + Mistique + Nord Embel'Lys Jewelry
Corpo/Body: Maitreya
Head: 'SaeBom Mesh Head 2' - moremore Gatcha Item at SaNaRae Event
(Static Cute Head with hud, plus applier to Maitreya & Slink bodies) Click Here
Hair: Truth
Eyes ' Spooky Eyes - *.:Shake:.*
Outfit 'Hunter Woman' - Gizza - Group Gift (Free)
(Maitreya, & Slink + fitted Mesh)
Shoes: 'Felocita Senakers' - FashionNatic - New!
(Maitreya, Belleza, Slink)
Headband ' Feuilles d'Automne' - Nord Embel'Lys
~decoration & furniture~
Decoration tree by Mistique
(only 7 prims)
Lounge Skur Beige by Mistique
(5 prims + Single and Couples animations)
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