For everyday: !IT! + Furtacor + Cara Creations WLTB + ARisAris

by - quinta-feira, agosto 04, 2016


Corpo/Body: Maitreya

Hair: Truth


Top 'PinkAtittude' - Cara Creations 
(Mesh fitted,Maitreya,Slink,TMP etc + Hud colors)

Short 'Lisa' - FurtaCor
(Mesh Fitted, Maitreya, Sliunk, Belleza, + Hud Colors)


Colar 'Eye Catcher' -  !IT!

Sunglasses - ArisAris

~Decoration & Furniture~

<Aphrodite> "Floating Shell" for Couples  - Amazing to relax with your love and sit hearing the waves songs.

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