Too Healthy go Shopping! FashionNatic + Furtacor + pr!tty + Kalopsia

by - domingo, maio 22, 2016

Que saudável ir às compras! rss, melancias ou looks de excelente qualidade é sempre bom fazer aquele mix&match.

What healthy go shopping! rss, watermelons or excellent quality looks is always good to do that mix & match.


Corpo/Body: Maitreya Lara
Hair 'Daria' - D!va


Top 'Thalia Top::Mouth'- Furtacor - New!
(Hud to customize + fitted mesh)

Pants 'part of Terena Outfit' - FashionNatic - New!
(Hud to customize every detail+fitted mesh for most bodies)

Shoes 'Flip flops' -(69)


Headband 'Love Cat' - pr!tty at Chapter Four - Group Gift

Bag 'part of Accalia Outfit' - FashionNatic 


tram. & Glitterati


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