Dexter said: Just the bad ones. Acid Lily Gallery New Round Starts and Amato free sneaks!

by - segunda-feira, outubro 15, 2012

Quem já assistiu Dexter? É um excelente seriado. Quando pus esse cabelo fofo da Hinako, e Top e Calça da [FIEND]super urbano, casual, e depois os sangue pelas paredes...Percebi que esse SLook tem tudo a ver. Carinha de anjo, mente deturpada...É Halloween! Vamos soltar as feras e a criatividade!

Who ever watched Dexter? It is an excellent show. When I put this fluffy hair of Hinako, and the Top and Pants [FIEND] super urban, casual, and then the blood on the walls ... I realized that this is all SLook. Angel face, twisted mind ... It's Halloween! Let loose the beasts and creativity!

Segue a listinha:

Cabelo 'Eva type A' - Hinako #Acid Lily Gallery# - New

Top com hud e Calça 'Crissy' - [FIEND] #Acid Lily Gallery# - New
Sapatos 'Natural Sneaks' - *amato* #Begginers' Luck# - Free (unissex)

Piercings 'Facial Piercing Q1' - Phoebe #Acid Lilly Gallery# - New
Pose e cenário 'Asylum (The Blood Nurse)' - {Co-Motions} #Acid Lily Gallery# - New

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